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Based on the contingency, transaction, and trust theories, this paper explored how the green cooperation between supplier and customer in last-mile logistics contributes to consumers’ sustainable consumption behaviors and trust and transaction cost's contingency role. We collected survey data from 453 users of green shopping platforms in South Korea (e.g., Homepick and Smart Locker) and analyzed the data using structural equation modeling. The results suggest that green cooperation with companies positively affects consumers’ sustainable consumption behaviors and trust, and transaction costs negatively moderate such relationships. In addition, customer trust positively affects sustainable consumption behavior and loyalty. We also found that improved sustainable consumption behavior can form loyalty, but transaction cost decreases its positive impact. This paper evaluates the last-mile delivery through green cooperation and enriches the literature on contingency, transaction cost, and trust theories.  相似文献   
党的十九大报告首次提出区域协调发展战略,要求各地充分发挥比较优势,加强政府间合作,着力解决区域发展不平衡不充分的问题。深汕合作区正是实施这一战略的典型代表。其中,政府的战略政策导向、经济全球化、区域一体化和非政府组织的发展是合作区得以形成的主要外部动力;区域协调发展、产业结构调整、官员升迁诉求是内部动力。但是,在合作区发展的过程中也存在一定的阻力。如地方保护主义的抬头、利益博弈、市场运作的行政化。因此,为促进地方政府间良性合作,应不断强化合作的正向激励,降低合作的阻力,保证区域府际合作的长久性。  相似文献   
生产链上下游企业选择合适的合作机制对低碳产品定价及碳减排有重要影响。通过构建博弈模型分析三种不同合作机制下的低碳产品定价及碳减排问题:第一种合作机制即制造商与零售商进行合作,当两条生产链都选择这种合作机制时,能带来较高的碳减排率和较低的零售价格,这对制造商、零售商、消费者和环境都是有利的。第二种合作机制即两条生产链的制造商之间、零售商之间分别合作,这会带来较低的碳减排率和较高的零售价格,对两个制造商有利,而对零售商和消费者不利。分析前两种合作机制的利与弊提出第三种合作机制,即零售商和制造商共享利润下的有利于碳减排的策略。最后,结合案例讨论和数值分析的研究结果表明:当制造商和零售商收入共享比在一定范围内时,第三种合作机制可以给制造商和零售商带来更高的利润。由此为企业选择最佳的合作机制及合理的碳减排策略提供了理论指导。  相似文献   
研究目的:反思飞地治理困境,为飞地府际合作治理模式的确立与逻辑展开提供理论支撑。研究方法:规范分 析法、实证调研、原理证成和演绎法。研究结果:从分布状态上看,中国飞地具有“小、散、多”的基本特点。现有飞地 治理模式与治理需求存在张力,且既有成果对飞地治理解释出路存在偏差。飞地监管不力的本质原因包括飞出地政 府对飞地的控制力薄弱之内因以及飞地行政管理松弛之外因两个方面。研究结论:以权力让渡为基础、兼具激励机制 和约束机制的飞地府际合作治理模式是解决飞地问题的新思路、新思维。该模式以飞地治理为共同目标和发起点,通 过协商将双方应尽之义务以及应享有之权益以协议形式固定下来,并通过约束机制保障全面代管和部分代管的落实, 达到飞地良好治理的目标追求。  相似文献   
江依妮  朱春奎 《技术经济》2020,39(2):114-124
金砖国家是世界科技创新的重要新兴力量,虽受到国际形势的影响其专利合作网络规模有所下降,五国之间的合作并不紧密,但它们的网络地位稳中有升、态势向好。中国在国际专利和论文合作网络中的活跃度和影响力均不断增强,具有信息和资源控制的巨大优势;俄罗斯与印度地位相似,但俄罗斯的国际专利与论文合作地位均有所提升,而印度的地位正在弱化;巴西在论文合作网络中相对较具优势地位,但在专利网络中巴西则与南非共同位于边缘区。  相似文献   
吴云峰 《中国农史》2021,(1):132-144,F0003
为了打破敌伪的经济封锁,减轻地主对农民的剥削,克服小农经济的局限性,淮南抗日根据地开展了互助合作运动。根据地在组织农户参加互助时,总结经验、树立典型,循序渐进,逐步推广,抓住群众需要,解决群众困难,尊重群众意愿,利用适当形式,从而有效组织了互助合作。互助合作运动开展中,也遇到不少问题,如形式主义、强迫命令;违背公平合理原则;经营管理效率不高;农民的观望、落后分子的破坏等。根据地采取了一系列措施,应对这些问题。如在.经济条件相近、关系和睦的农户间开展互助,对落后分子进行说服教育,建章立制,惩戒营私舞弊者;发扬民主、确保公平等。互助合作运动的开展,提高了生产效率,克服了小农经济的弊端,加强了基础设施建设;创造了物质财富,改善了民众生活。淮南抗日根据地互助合作运动对当今的农民专业合作社仍有一定的参考借鉴意义。  相似文献   
[目的]全域旅游发展理念的提出进一步丰富和提升了社区参与旅游发展的内涵,文章从全域旅游视角研究社区参与式乡村旅游的开发模式,以期为乡村全域旅游的发展提供参考与借鉴。[方法]通过实地考察和资料查阅法,了解南矶旅游开发及社区参与的现状,结合实证分析法,构建基于社区参与的南矶乡村全域旅游开发模式。[结果](1)目前南矶乡村旅游尚处于发展初期,当地居民对参与旅游发展的意愿比较强烈,但参与的水平与能力都较低,湿地资源作为当地社区福祉的根本同时也是主要的旅游吸引物,当地旅游开发应将社区作为核心利益群体;(2)提出政府、保护区、旅游发展协会、旅游企业和当地社区“五位一体”的社区参与式乡村全域旅游开发模式,并从旅游功能分区、旅游开发经营、产品开发、收益分配和环境保护等5个方面重点论述了该模式的实施途径,以形成以股份合作制为主、社区居民自发旅游和乡村旅游创客等多种旅游开发经营形式共同发展的格局,推出融湿地生态旅游和乡村旅游的产品体系。[结论]该文所构建的乡村全域旅游开发模式将社区参与作为一个实质性要素,强调区域资源有机整合、产业融合发展和社会共建共享,并兼顾旅游开发和生态保护,这将有利于全方位盘活社区资源和带动当地居民就业增收,实现旅游业与社区共生发展,因此这种开发模式比较适合于那些经济基础比较薄弱而旅游业尚处于发展初期且位于自然保护区及其周边的乡村地区进行旅游发展。  相似文献   
Cooperation among farmers is an effective alternative to reduce production costs in smallholdings of traditional olive groves and increase their low profitability. However, an increase in efficiency reduces working hours and the labour required for the management of farms. This fact can lead to negative effects in rural areas, especially considering the importance of the social aspect of the crop. Therefore, to contribute to the global discussion on the transition towards more sustainable farming, it is important to know, ex ante, what level of employment is generated by olive groves and what could be lost under more competitive and efficient scenarios. The purpose of the work is to quantify the expected impact on employment by the implementation of cooperative management methods in order to generate true and accurate information that can be used in the design of future policies that aim to increase the economic profitability of small olive farms. The results make clear that this way of managing farms, by increasing the efficiency of agricultural work, has a significant negative impact on employment. However, this management formula does encourage the professionalisation of the sector by generating quality employment, in addition to contributing to the preservation of small farms and the socio-cultural and territorial benefits they generate.  相似文献   
以福建卫生职业技术学院2011级与2012级学生为研究对象,运用文献资料法、测试法、实验法和数理统计法等,对校企合作模式下体育课程改革前后学生体质健康数据进行对比分析,结果显示:说明体育课程设置与大学生体质健康密切相关,特别在耐力素质、腹肌耐力、上肢力量影响很大,呈显著差异.对此提出加强对学生体育课学习需求的调查、加快体育教学改革中体育课教学内容和课程体系的改革、改善体育教学条件、完善“课内外一体化”模式,希望在校企合作改革的大背景下,能为顺应高职高专人才培养模式制定科学、合理的体育课程改革提供有力的依据.  相似文献   
Purpose: The main objective is to test and assess a research model through time and across contexts in which satisfaction is a mediator between quality constructs in manufacturer–supplier relationships. Satisfaction is positioned as a mediator between trust and commitment (i.e., causes) on the one hand, and cooperation, coordination and continuity expectancy (i.e., outcomes) on the other. The objective is also to provide a substantiation and contribution through time and across contexts, to business theory of supplier-manufacturer relationships

Methodology/approach: One out of eight samples selected for additional empirical substantiation for this study comprises a total of 600 small and medium-sized Spanish enterprises from various industrial sectors. A total of 259 usable questionnaires were returned, generating a response rate of 43.2%. The study is positioned (and compared) in relation to seven other samples that have been tested within the same research model in Canada, Finland, Norway (twice), South Africa, Sweden, and Taiwan. The total number of useable questionnaires is 1641, the average number of useable questionnaires per study is 205 and the average response rate is 37.4% in the studies assessed of this article.

Findings: The research model tested and assessed in the eight studies meets the requirements for satisfactory convergent, discriminant and nomological validity, as well as for construct reliability. The measurement and structural metrics support validity and reliability over time and across contexts, which is rare in marketing research.

Research implications: The theoretical framework contributes, through time and across contexts, to the business theory of supplier–manufacturer relationships. The tested research model demonstrates properties of validity and reliability across countries and company sizes. Implications and suggestions for further research are provided.

Practical implications: The empirical findings indicate key factors that contribute to satisfaction in manufacturer–supplier relationships in different countries and companies.

Originality/value: The article makes a contribution to theory relating to supplier–manufacturer relationships, providing evidence that the tested, hypothesized relationships are generally applicable. The validation or falsification of empirical findings in previous research is crucial in building valid and reliable theory over time and across contexts. Otherwise, theory becomes fragmented and undermines the credibility of marketing research.  相似文献   

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